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Source Lower Middle-Market Deals
PrivSource helps you source deals and connect with transaction partners without ever paying a success fee.

Lower Middle-Market M&A Platform
PrivSource is a private, deal sourcing network for experienced lower and middle-market M&A professionals. The platform helps professionals source buyout/capital raise opportunities, connect with transaction partners, and keep up with lower and middle-market M&A news/activity.
Family Offices
Private group with assets in excess of $50 million
Private Equity Groups
Investing out of a dedicated fund
Traditional Search Funds
Search funds that have raised capital from a group of investors
Corporate M&A
Strategic buyers seeking horizontal or vertical expansion through acquisition
M&A Advisory Firms
M&A professionals providing buy-side and/or sell-side services on behalf of private equity groups or business owners
Sell-side Intermediaries
Typically boutique investment bankers or high quality brokers providing M&A services to lower mid market companies
High-Quality Deals Without the Fees
All members and deals have been fully vetted to ensure high-quality standards. The best part? We don’t charge any referral or success fees, EVER.

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Increase Deal Flow Passively
Upload your investment criteria and showcase your buy-side mandates straight to the inbox of thousands of sell-side intermediaries to generate deal flow while you sleep.
Private M&A platform for experienced professionals
PrivSource provides a way for business owners and sell-side advisors to get in front of buyers who they may miss through a traditional M&A process.

All buyers, intermediaries, and deals are fully-vetted. Translating into time and resources saved.

Our private platform engages only buyside members with high certainty of closure

No Fees
No commissions, referral, or success fees. Ever

Share only key metrics through discreet and anonymous listings
Nationwide US & Canada Based
Our sweet spot is $500k-$20mm in EBITDA. We generally require engagements to have north of either $5mm in revenue OR $500k in EBITDA. We understand not all good deals fit inside a box so we occasionally make exceptions if the deal falls under our EBITDA/ revenue threshold, but exhibits high-quality characteristics.

$500K-$25M EBITDA
Most businesses are sold as a multiple of annual EBITDA. At this end of the market, EBITDA can refer to seller's discretionary earnings or "SDE".

Most buy-side firms on the PrivSource platform are seeking companies with revenues in the range of $5M-$150M.

$1M-$50M ARR
Not all revenues are created equally. We see the most success with software and subscription businesses with recurring revenue that do $1M-$50M in ARR.
Closed and secure
Thousands of firms and intermediaries across the lower middle market M&A ecosystem use PrivSource to source and list buyout opportunities.

PrivSource was a game changer. Of all the sourcing tools we tried, PrivSource had the best deals, the widest range of intermediaries, and the most reasonable fee structure (no acquisition fee).
Chris Sykes
Managing Director, Eagle Rock Capital

Trying to find good deals is difficult. PrivSource takes all the great deals available and consolidated them into one place and makes it easy to search for specific criteria. It makes sourcing deals extremely easy and cost-effective.
Todd Burdon
Executive Director, Rhyno Equity Group

Anyone sourcing via intermediaries or non-proprietary outreach will benefit from the amount of time the platform saves you during the week. The sell-side reps I’ve dealt with (bankers/brokers/advisors) have all produced quality materials and there hasn’t been one instance ‘haggling’ for basic data.
Matthew Hogan
Managing Partner, Needham Heights Holdings
What is PrivSource?
PrivSource is a fully vetted M&A deal platform targeting the lower middle market. In order to join the platform, all members need to apply for access. We require that buyside members have an operating or investing background and access to funds available for an acquisition. We also vet all engagements that our sellside members post, in order to maintain a high quality deal platform. In order to qualify, an opportunity needs to exhibit > $5mm in annual revenue OR $500k in EBITDA. We do occasionally make exceptions if the opportunity exhibits high quality characteristics such as high margins, SaaS business model, niche market, etc. We’re industry agnostic and currently offer coverage in the US and Canada.
How does PrivSource source opportunities?
With our background as investors in the market, we’ve established a network of high quality deal flow with M&A advisors, bankers, and high quality brokers who want to better reach high quality buyers. Most of our deal flow on the platform comes from the hundreds of sellside groups and users that have signed up on the platform. We also leverage technology to curate publicly available listings from hundreds of sources, so you do not have to scour additional marketplaces and listing sites. As a result, we offer a solution that combines high quality public listings with engagements that you won’t find anywhere else.
Is PrivSource like Axial or BizBuySell?
Sort of. We offer a deal platform similarly to these websites. However, unlike Axial we do not charge fees on any deal that is sourced through the platform. We also do not match buyers based on fit or criteria. Instead, we fully vet anyone before they are given access to the platform, so they can opportunistically look for deals once they have access. As a result, we offer higher quality opportunities than BizBuySell.
Is PrivSource right for me/my firm?
The short answer is it depends. We offer value to buyers/intermediaries looking to acquire/exit in a virtual market, through a less traditional M&A process. Our buyside members consist of private equity firms, single family offices, independent sponsors, traditional search funds, and strategic M&A groups. Our sellside members consist of investment bankers, M&A advisors, and high quality brokers.
What industries/regions does the platform cover?
We currently cover the US and Canadian markets. We’re industry agnostic. We have members searching for software, HVAC, and everything in between.
What type of engagements does PrivSource offer?
We focus on majority and 100% buyout opportunities.
Does PrivSource charge sellside referral/success fees?
We do not charge fees. Ever. We make money off of a monthly subscription membership that the buyside pays in order to access our deal platform. See pricing for details.
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Yes. Your subscription is month-to-month, so you can cancel and reactivate your plan anytime.