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We help you find vetted investors who are looking to acquire lower and middle market businesses.

Selling your business has never been easier with PrivSource

PrivSource is a private, deal sourcing network for experienced lower and middle market M&A professionals. If you are a business owner/representative looking to sell your $5m-$150m business, then you’ve come to the right place.

$500K-$25M EBITDA

$500K-$25M EBITDA

Most businesses are sold as a multiple of annual EBITDA. At this end of the market, EBITDA can refer to seller's discretionary earnings or "SDE".



Most buy-side firms on the PrivSource platform are seeking companies with revenues in the range of $5M-$150M.

$1M-$50M ARR

$1M-$50M ARR

Not all revenues are created equally. We see the most success with software and subscription businesses with recurring revenue that do $1M-$50M in ARR.

We help you sell your business for FREE

It's your equity, keep more of it!

Traditional M&A process

  • Hire M&A advisor
  • Pay large success and retainer fees ($100k-$1m*)
  • Banker/M&A Advisor runs the sales process
  • Private and confidential process
  • *source:

The PrivSource difference

  • List your business confidentially through PrivSource’s private network
  • Pay zero success fees and no listing fees
  • Run the process on your time
  • Receive customized professional help

How it works

1 Submit your application

Join the thousands of lower and middle market M&A professionals who leverage PrivSource for deal making. Since we’re a vetted network, all we need is an application to get started.

2 Submit your deal

List your deal confidentially through PrivSource and receive vetted leads from vetted buy-side firms.

3 Browse buy-side mandates

Browse the investment criteria of prospective firms and target groups who you think may be a good fit.

4 Run your own M&A process

You control the timeline. You decide which buy-side firms to engage with when selling your company. You pay zero fees and commissions.

5 Hire help as needed

Leverage PrivSource’s network to hire professional advisory help if and as needed.

Private M&A platform for experienced professionals

PrivSource provides a way for business owners and sell-side advisors to get in front of buyers who they may miss through a traditional M&A process.

  • Family Offices

    Private group with assets in excess of $50 million

  • Private Equity Groups

    Investing out of a dedicated fund

  • Traditional Search Funds

    Search funds that have raised capital from a group of investors

  • Corporate M&A

    Strategic buyers seeking horizontal or vertical expansion through acquisition

  • M&A Advisory Firms

    M&A professionals providing buy-side and/or sell-side services on behalf of private equity groups or business owners

  • Sell-side Intermediaries

    Typically boutique investment bankers or high quality brokers providing M&A services to lower mid market companies

Nationwide US & Canada Based

Our sweet spot is $500k-$20mm in EBITDA. We generally require engagements to have north of either $5mm in revenue OR $500k in EBITDA. We understand not all good deals fit inside a box so we occasionally make exceptions if the deal falls under our EBITDA/ revenue threshold, but exhibits high-quality characteristics.



All buyers, intermediaries, and deals are fully-vetted. Translating into time and resources saved.



Our private platform engages only buyside members with high certainty of closure

No Fees

No Fees

No commissions, referral, or success fees. Ever



Share only key metrics through discreet and anonymous listings

Closed and secure

Thousands of firms and intermediaries across the lower middle market M&A ecosystem use PrivSource to source and list buyout opportunities.

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Chris Sykes

PrivSource was a game changer. Of all the sourcing tools we tried, PrivSource had the best deals, the widest range of intermediaries, and the most reasonable fee structure (no acquisition fee).

Chris Sykes

Managing Director, Eagle Rock Capital

Todd Burdon

Trying to find good deals is difficult. PrivSource takes all the great deals available and consolidated them into one place and makes it easy to search for specific criteria. It makes sourcing deals extremely easy and cost-effective.

Todd Burdon

Executive Director, Rhyno Equity Group

Matthew Hogan

Anyone sourcing via intermediaries or non-proprietary outreach will benefit from the amount of time the platform saves you during the week. The sell-side reps I’ve dealt with (bankers/brokers/advisors) have all produced quality materials and there hasn’t been one instance ‘haggling’ for basic data.

Matthew Hogan

Managing Partner, Needham Heights Holdings


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